Audrey Homan, Communications Director

Audrey Homan is the Communications Director at the UVM Tarrant Institute for Education. Audrey’s work at the UVM Tarrant Institute includes managing the Institute’s blog, website, and social media, as well as producing multimedia stories and workshops. She also produces the #vted Reads podcast.

Audrey has worked in higher education for 25 years, most of it spent managing university publications. Audrey’s particular areas of focus include audio and video production, transmedia, and pan-platform accessibility. She holds certifications in media analytics, as well as multimedia production. When not working in media, Audrey is a late-night radio DJ at UVM’s campus radio station, and maintains a micro-farm near Monkton VT, studying rotational grazing and woodlot management.

Audrey holds a BA in English and in Linguistics from the University of California, Davis; she also holds an MA in Linguistics from the University of California, Davis.

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