Student stories from Innovative VT Schools

LUMS Team Extreme VT IDU 2017

Student reflection on personalized learning

UP for Learning: Where do we go from here?

Grace Gilmour on Fostering Brave Spaces

Art, equity & identity

Orleans Expeditions: How to support project-based learning remotely

Speedgeeking at Edmunds Middle School: The Reading Log

Polaris Passion Projects are out of this world

Economics, equity and field trips at Mettawee Community School

What does service learning look like in Vermont?

Building a chicken coop at The Dorset School

Wilderness Semester

Building up STEAM at Ottauquechee

Introducing Flood Brook's Passion Projects

The Crossett Brook Legacy Mural

How can educators learn about social identity?

Meet the Humans of Burke

How can students make global connections?

Should Vermont host the next Olympics?

What is the Cougar Co-op?

Flexible seating at Proctor Elementary School

The student architects of Shelburne VT

What if you could have Town Meeting every week?

What makes school exhibitions so powerful?

Measuring air quality in Shelburne VT

How do you learn about compassion?

The #everydaycourage of building a better go-cart

Cooking video action shots

How to get students talking with families, with Explain Everything

Creating a self-paced Spanish class

Starting faculty meetings with a student presentation

From PLPs to P.A.T.H.s: let students lead

21st Century Prayerbooks: innovative Catholic education in VT

Talking with the PAML Bridge Builders

Proctor STEAM Family Night: innovative family communication in VT

Using Google Classroom for Art Proficiencies

Scheduling and student choice: The iLearn Project

The Bottle Rocket

How students are vital to restorative justice

Restorative Justice at Randolph Union

Assessing proficiencies: introducing artifacts & linking to Realms

Brainado trailer

Fayston students share their PLP stories

Introducing Negotiated Curriculum at the Unit Level

Implementing 1:1 norms and digital citizenship

8th grade Arts & Citizenship unit

How to make National Park green screen videos with students

Using Digital Tools to Change Student Goal-Setting and Reflection

Use Google Tools for Personal Learning Plans (PLPs)

Studying hurricanes in a 1:1 iPad environment