Ch 3: Laying The Groundwork for PLPs

Creating a personalized learning environment requires time and effort, for sure. It takes team building, as well as collaboratively setting expectations and procedures for how your group will learn together. The good news is that PLPs can actually help create this strong learning climate.  

At The Ottauquechee School, in Quechee VT, educator Kim Dumont conducted a year-long action research project on moving her fourth grade class towards an entirely student-directed classroom. Her surveys of the students, and how they responded and guided her efforts towards student direction formed the groundwork for introducing PLPs to the students as middle schoolers.

Kim’s tips?

  • Let students establish the rules, procedures and practices for the class (with support, of course!).
  • Let students learn to interrupt class when they need to, for announcements, questions, or important interjections.
  • Work up to a day when the class virtually runs itself, and the teacher plays a supporting role to student leadership.

Food for thought

Take a look at how others are establishing a firm foundation for personalized learning.

Now tell us

We’d like to see how these are organized, scaffolded, and supported in your classroom. Share a link, picture, or though in this padlet.

  • Who’s in charge of transitions and procedures in your classroom or school?
  • Who manages unexpected challenges?
  • Where might students lead more in your classroom or school?
  • What support would they need to be successful?

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Let’s go

Next we’ll consider how to identify your priorities and purposes for PLPs in your own classroom or school.

A blog exploring innovative, personalized, student-centered school change