Emily Hoyler, Managing Director

Emily is an educator, facilitator, mother, partner, and mountain dweller. Her work centers on transforming herself and the systems she is enmeshed within toward justice, joy, and sustainability.

She is currently the managing director at the Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education, as well as a professional affiliate with Shelburne Farms. Emily has worked as an educator/learner for over two decades, in roles such as classroom teacher (grades 3-8 & undergraduate), environmental educator, curriculum specialist, and facilitator of professional learning and systems change. Her current interests include unsettling self/systems, critical pedagogies, Education for Sustainability, compassionate systems awareness & social fields, community-engaged learning, place-based learning, youth leadership, climate justice, and middle level education.

Emily co-wrote Shelburne Farms’ Cultivating Joy and Wonder, an early childhood curriculum guide to educating for sustainability. She is a nationally certified facilitator for The Origins Program’s Developmental Designs workshops, and has also served as a Visiting Lecturer in Education Studies at Middlebury College. She is a current doctoral student in the University of Vermont’s Transdisciplinary Leadership, Creativity & Change Ph.D program, and holds a B.Sc in Geography from the University of Victoria, in BC Canada and an M.Ed in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy from Harvard University. She delights in weaving these interests and experiences together in perpetual pursuit of vitality & resilience.

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