3.1 What Are Your Pedagogical Priorities?

*Why* do you want to personalize learning?

What’s your purpose for using PLPs? Teachers typically have a range of priorities. Two common ones are to increase equity and to foster social emotional learning (SEL), both of which are rooted in knowing students well.

Increasing equity

PLPs provide a powerful way to address inequity in schooling. Carla Shalaby observed in Troublemakers that “school shouldn’t be preparation for life. For young people, it is life. … They already feel, and love, and hurt. They already desire to be entertained, and engaged, and embraced. They already insist on being taken seriously, and cared for deeply. They will not be ignored, and they will not be invisible.” PLPs help ensure students are not invisible. To let them know that their whole life experience, in and out of school, matters.

Fostering Social Emotional Learning

SEL is a also priority for many educators, and the CASEL framework is a helpful guide. PLPs enable students to track their growth in SEL aligned with state or local standards. In Vermont, SEL is supported through the Transferable Skills. Prioritizing SEL can provide an integrated approach to project-based and service learning, providing meaning and purpose to students.

Food for thought

Ensuring students feel known calls for systemic change. These educators and resources can inform your journey:

Now tell us

  • What are your priorities for PLPs?
  • Where do equity or SEL feature in your classroom or curriculum?
  • Which standards align well with SEL in our school or district?

Let’s go

Next, let’s look into the systems and structures that support personalized learning.

A blog exploring innovative, personalized, student-centered school change