Meet the Digital Cartographers of Cabot

Meet the Digital Historians of Cabot, Vermont

Crossett Brook PLP pilot: goal-setting

Lou's PLP

What I Learned From My PLP

Implementing personal learning plans in literacy units

Use Google Tools for Personal Learning Plans (PLPs)

Fayston students share their PLP stories

Vermont's Race Against Racism

From PLPs to P.A.T.H.s: let students lead

The athlete, the artist & the PLP

Increasing student engagement in PLPs at Williston Central School

2016 Brainado Highlight reel

What do you like about Brainado and passion projects?

How can having a mentor help with Brainado?

How has Brainado changed the way you think about school?

The value of community mentors

Brainado trailer

Brainado 2018: passion projects spread across Vermont

The Crossett Brook Legacy Mural

Introducing Flood Brook's Passion Projects

The #everydaycourage of building a better go-cart

Fruit Guild of America

Tuttle Curiosity Projects 2019 Exhibition

How to make real, sustainable change in the Northeast Kingdom

Polaris Passion Projects are out of this world