Terms of Use

How to Use These Materials

All the stories, videos, podcast episodes, and blogposts on this site were developed with, by, and for Vermont educators and students.

You can use the materials on this blog for academic work, for presentations, and simply because you enjoy them.

All the materials on this blog are available to be used under Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-SA.

That means you can use them as long as you credit “The Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education” as the author along with the original author of each piece.

You can only use the work in non-commercial applications.

And we ask that you do not attempt to copyright the work.

Removing Articles From the Blog

If you are the author or subject of a story on this blog, and you wish to withdraw your consent to be in the story, please contact us. We’ll honor all requests as soon as we are able.