Breaking Down the Next Generation Science Standards

Let’s talk about the Next Generation Science Standards for a little bit. There continues to be a lot of talk about standards and adoption, and it can be difficult when there may be different messages coming from different sources. 2013-2014 hopefully gave science teachers a chance to get exposed to NGSS and try some things out.

There are starting to be a number of great lesson plans and resources available that are in alignment with NGSS, but just like anything related to new standards, it really helps if you have a strong understanding of the NGSS so that you can evaluate those resources. In order to try and help that, here is a series of great videos from Paul Andersen (

The first one is embedded below.

And I’d love to hear comments – I’m going to try and post a number of things this summer in this series related to NGSS; is that useful for you in your practice? What types of things would you like to see?

Mark W. Olofson

Mark is a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in the Education Leadership and Policy Studies program at the University of Vermont. He previously taught Middle and High School science and math. Mark has been with TIIE since Fall 2013.

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