All posts by Jonah Ibson

Jonah Ibson is a 9th grade English teacher at Harwood Union High School who loves helping students learn to search for deep hidden meaning, craft a beautiful sentence, and speak with conviction. Ibson studied English and Philosophy at Skidmore, and earned his Masters from St. Michael’s College with a concentration on Arts in Education. If he could design his dream job, it would be entitled “Creativity Integrationist,” and he is convinced that there should and will be one in every school some day. In his glimpses of free time, he enjoys playing outside with his kids, listening to hip-hop music, and brewing kombucha.

Teaching with Technology: Why It’s Worth the Risk

Jonah Ibson, Harwood Union Middle School, VermontI’m not sure if others would call me a freak for saying so, but I truly enjoy a good inservice day.

There’s something about a quiet school filled with educators working together that makes me feel like anything is possible. So I can say without a trace of sarcasm that I read through the agenda for the Washington West Supervisory Union’s Inservice on October 14th with interest. When I read that the focus of the day was to “highlight technology-inspired innovative educational practices taking place in WWSU schools and beyond,” I was already sold.

But we all know what happens to the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men…

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