with Kendra LaRoche
Here at #vted Reads, we are big fans of finding yourself in a book.
Whether you’re a stinky, nervous wreck of a middle grades student or a winsome and confident Vermont educator who can still empathize with the… stinky, nervous wreck of a middle grades student, we love the kind of books where you can find someone to identify with, no matter what.
On the show today I’m joined by Kendra LaRoche, a humanities teacher at Burr and Burton Academy, down in Manchester Vermont. Both she and I found a ton of characters we loved in Look Both Ways, by Jason Reynolds. Whether you’re a Low Cut or a class cut-up, a checklister or a skater chick, we’re sure you’ll find some way of wanting to talk about this amazing book with your students.

So pull up a seat, open to the title page, and let’s—