Tag Archives: code camp

New podcast ep: Making web apps at Williston Central

Vermont middle school educator created app at camp

Vermont middle school educator created app at campIn this episode of our  podcast, we’re going to be hearing from math educator Jared Bailey, who spent his summer vacation building a web app for his students, so they could have their homework assignments, practice drills, schedule and his contact info all in one place. As could their parents.

Bailey’s ethos was simple: he wanted it to be as simple as possible for students and their families to install the app on their mobile devices, and he didn’t want to deal with licensing issues or necessarily learn a ton of code. He just wanted his app to be convenient for students.

Continue reading New podcast ep: Making web apps at Williston Central

Teaching how to code with Processing

teaching code with Processing
This past summer, we hosted another successful year of Tarrant Code Camp, where campers from all over Vermont came together to learn iOS development, website design, gaming, robotics and art.

Yes, art.

UVM Computer Science professor Robert Snapp taught campers how to code through the use of Processing, a programming language that translates code into visual and audio movement. But can students really learn to code by creating art? And what can you do with Processing after camp, anyway? We tackle those questions, along with the best way to explode a human head, in this episode of our podcast, “Code is art”.

Give it a listen.

Continue reading Teaching how to code with Processing

Vermont schools off and running with “Hour of Code”

Over on Storify, we’re covering the amazing kick-off for the Hour of Code statewide. More than 113 Vermont schools are participating in the national initiative to provide students with at least one hour of computer coding instruction the week of Dec 9-15th.


Check it out!

And for everyone looking for a way to continue on with their newfound skills, don’t forget to sign up for the 2014 Code Camp mailing list.

Learning to code in the Green Mountain State (via TechJamVT)

learn_rubyOur inaugural Code Camp is in some great company this morning over at 7Days: Ruby Course, Conference and Camp Coming Soon. It’s great to see such strong support for learning to code in the community. 21st century educations ftw!

If you haven’t signed up for Code Camp yet, you’re in luck: we opened up a new block of seats yesterday to accommodate demand. Register online here.