Category Archives: Real World PBL

Project-based learning at home

It all started with a pandemic

Dear reader, as you are well aware, back in March a global pandemic struck and in-person schooling was suspended for the remainder of the school year. Quite suddenly, my family, like many, found ourselves home together all day, every day. My kids, also like many, thrive on routine. When we realized we would be spending All The Time together, we quickly built a family “home school” schedule.

This was in that in-between period before remote schooling had begun in earnest. We designed a schedule that had our three kids rotating through hands-on work, learning apps, and ….(drumroll)….project time. While I continue to work full time, my husband took over all things kids and schooling. My husband is a carpenter. This means that project time is also known as building-cool-stuff-with-dad time. Like birdhouses… or a playhouse… or a mountain bike pump track… or a new bedroom.

Wait a minute, I thought, this would make an excellent PBL project!

As my kids and their dad set about planning out each kid’s dream project (see: playhouse, pump track, and new bedroom), I immediately thought of the math! The physics! The ecology! The design thinking! And the skills: Self-direction! Project management! Critical thinking! Problem-solving! Perseverance! Collaboration!

The kids could take pictures, write reflections, and make a mini-documentary telling the stories of their projects. This is personalized learning at its best, right? These are Passion Projects! And this would be the perfect content for my students’ — ahem, I mean, my children’s —  PLPs.

I gleefully invited the kids to begin thinking about how they could document their projects and learning.

Unfortunately, I was met with eyerolls and groans.

Somehow it seems that they’re not all that excited about “school-ifying” their projects.

As an educator, I can’t ignore the myriad learning opportunities these projects offer. But my learners aren’t playing. This is real life, they crow. Why do we need to write about it? they plead.

Right now, the lines between school-and-home and teacher-and-parent are blurred. I need to think about this.

We interrupt this blog post for a few words from John Dewey:

That Dewey guy, fellow Vermonter? He was pretty brilliant when it came to education. (For the record, so was his wife Alice, whose career as an educator provided Dewey much of the fodder for his astute observations and Pedagogic Creed.) His more famous quotes often rattle around in my head at pivotal moments. Here are a few that have been circling my thoughts lately:

“I believe that education… is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.”

Education is life.

And that couldn’t be more true as we plant seeds, make bread, and learn the names of the spring plants emerging in the forest.

“We don’t learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”

And reflection is where we make meaning. Just like savasana following a yoga practice lets all the good sink in and lets our bodies integrate all that work, we need to pause after these rich learning experiences.

We need to evaluate and write our mental note-to-self.

To let our experience sink in.

If Dewey is right (and I believe he is) it is both these real-world pandemic projects and the process of reflecting on them that is The Real Thing. Our Aim in Education.

But how can I help my kids reap the benefits of these learning experiences without the eyerolls and groans? (Read: suffering for children and parents alike.)

Striking a balance

I remember in high school English class how I would lament that I just wanted to read the book and enjoy it, not pick it apart into such fine detail that it loses its appeal. I remember how I assigned my students to complete reading logs, documenting minutes and pages read.  Arguably these both killed some of the joy of the experiences.

Yet, I’ve been actively involved in book clubs for the past 20 years, where I show up so that I can discuss books (and yes, eat cheese and sip beverages). And I now keep track of my own reading on the Goodreads app. I love seeing my collection of books grow, and the satisfaction of reaching my reading goals.

project-based learning at home

So what’s the difference?

How do I make sense of my adult behaviors in the context of my schooling experiences? Why now do I deeply enjoy something that I resisted as a student? There are probably many answers, but one stands out: without having become proficient at the skills necessary for these behaviors (decoding and meaning-making! literary analysis! goal setting!) I probably wouldn’t engage in them as an adult.

Similarly, our kids need to develop essential skills.

And developing these skills takes practice. Take perseverance, for example, the stick-with-it-ness that allows us to meet even the most challenging tasks with success. Based on my recent observations, my kid isn’t likely to learn perseverance by practicing his multiplication tables or emptying the dishwasher.

So is there a way to get there without as much resistance?

Based on this kid’s new-found passion for his bike and his drive to build a pump track, he just might learn it with a shovel.

project-based learning at home

And this is the promise of personalized learning.

When we give kids a choice of what to do, and when it’s something they love (or like; like is good enough) they can develop the skills they need to succeed, driven by their own interests. They can work toward developing proficiency in a wide array of skills while engaged in an activity that captures their imagination and interest.

When this happens, our role shifts.

Questions, questions, and more questions

So maybe I’ve figured out my pandemic project problem. My kids already have passion projects underway.  Education = life, check! And ok, as a mom, maybe it doesn’t make sense to assign actual documentation and reflection in a PLP (though as a teacher it sure would).

But it does make sense to slow them down, ask them questions, and help them plan and reflect. This will balance my Deweian-experience-and-reflection equation.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

Before work

My role before the kids get started is to help them make a plan and get organized and to anticipate and plan for challenges. A few of these questions would do:

  • What are you going to do today?
  • How long do you think it will take?
  • What materials do you need?
  • What do you think will be the hardest part?
  • How might you handle it if that happens?

During work

For the most part, when things are going well, they need little intervention. But when they get frustrated, or when we see things going off track, a little redirection can nudge things back in the right direction.

  • How can I help?
  • What do you need to do next?
  • What do you think will happen if you do that?
  • How are you feeling? Do you think it would help if you took a break?

After work

When work is done (for the hour, for the day, or the project is complete), we can hold the space for reflection.

  • What went well?
  • What didn’t go well?
  • Next time, what would you do differently?
  • How do you feel?
  • How did you solve the problem?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • What is your next step for next time?

I can notice, aloud, how they located the information they needed or worked together successfully, or how they worked hard to achieve their goal even though they were tired/frustrated/hungry. I can celebrate their success with them.

Also, please notice that these aren’t leading questions. (Like: what will you do after you make a mess? What will happen if you don’t? Do you really think that’s a good idea? Just what do you think you’re doing, mister!?) And they aren’t statements, either. They are generous, curious, scaffolding questions.

By asking questions I’m engaging their brains in problem-solving. I’m asking them to figure it out, perhaps with a little support.

Considering the questions is more important than having the answers

Here’s the truth: even when I ask my kids these questions they often don’t have the answers. There might be an IDK. But in just considering the questions we are helping them build the neural pathways for planning and reflection in their brains. Just like it can take up to 40 experiences with food before a child decides they like it, it can also take numerous iterations of

  • “What’s your first step?”
  • “What went well?”
  • “Next time, what would you do differently?”

to build those connections and insight.

But soon they’ll have an answer, and eventually, they’ll be able to ask themselves the questions.

And once they have those skills (and they’ll know they have those skills because they’ve noticed and reflected on them) they will be able to call on them in the moments when the content of their task is less appealing.

We may need to remind them of this, too.


So after reflection (hey, thanks for reading) I think I know how to solve this learning documentation conundrum. Now, in this pandemic spring, I will urge my children to continue their projects.

And I will ask them questions. (Lots of questions.)

And that will be enough.







In case it’s helpful: Super Sisters Academy schedule and project sheet

Real World: Cabot

Rural life and project-based learning

real world project-based learning

You might find students on the skating rink in front of the school, helping out on a goat farm, dirt bike racing, heading to dance class, or fixing broken snowmobiles. All of these life experiences are important to students — and are valid learning experiences in and of themselves! We know that learning and value development doesn’t happen only in schools, so students dug into what makes them tick through looking at what they DO.

How do you get adolescent students to think about their values and beliefs? To ponder what motivates them? And to boldly share this with their families instead of hiding under a desk?

We know that the middle grades are a time of rapid social and emotional development. Middle grade students often form values and perspectives that can last a lifetime! (No big deal, right?). As part of a project-based learning experience led by fifth and sixth grade teacher Sarah Adelman, students in fifth and sixth grade at The Cabot School pondered how their life experiences informed their values and beliefs, and while doing so, they validated their experiences and lives in rural Vermont.

After reading about heroes and listening to podcasts and NPR’s This I Believe essays, students learned that they can discover and demonstrate their beliefs/values while plowing snow, hunting, racing a dirt bike, or fixing broken snowmobiles. They learned to closely examine their life experiences, and use those experiences to illustrate who they are, and what they believe.

The value of plowing snow

Cabot sixth grader Sean chose to reflect on how plowing snow allows him to live his values of perseverance and confidence:

sean rural life project-based learning


Three-thirty in the morning, plowing snow? Sounds like perseverance to me! Just think: if he never reflected on the value of this experience, or knew his teacher cared about it, would he think of himself in this way?

“If I start something, I finish it.”

Sounds like a valuable lesson to me, one that could inform his learning and life for years, and one that could be easily missed if we only value certain experiences over others! As part of this unit, Sean recorded an audio version of his above reflection.

The value of hunting

Sixth grader Mariah found inspiration in hunting for her first deer with her grandfather. She describes her ability to not give up, and her perseverance as factors that helped her shoot her first deer.

rural life project-based learning

This is not an experience every student has. But this is, in fact, an experience dear to many students in rural settings. And it’s an experience that could be easily missed by educators. We have an opportunity with personalized learning plans and project-based learning to validate students’ life experiences and to celebrate their in and out of school learning and selves. And in doing so, they become more fully human, to educators, families and communities.

The value of driving a snowmobile

One Cabot student reflected on the lessons he learned from driving a snowmobile. Just check out the descriptive details that place us right in the middle of the Vermont winter:

One day I was driving my snowmobile. There was white powdery snow on the ground, steam above the river, and birds chirping in my backyard. I was packing down my trails with my snowmobile. My hands were warm inside blue gloves as my my heated handle bars warmed up.

He finally describes how his snowmobile got stuck in an icy bank, and he had to use his problem solving skills, perseverance and strength to get it out. Sounds like a metaphor for life to me!

How we did it:

We wanted the unit to integrate art, social studies and literacy. And to structure this unit, we sat down with a project-based learning planning template and determined how best to execute each step:

  1. Start with an exciting entry event
  2. Create a driving question
  3. The Research and Creation Phase
  4. Finish with an authentic community sharing opportunity.

The entry event? Listening to NPR’s This I Believe audio pieces.

Next, students collaborated on individual and collective driving questions. They moved from What are my values? Through to the collective What are our shared values?

After that, students used multi-media to express their beliefs and values on this art piece and added those elements. And then they incorporated beliefs and values of their hero into the artwork.
What surfaced was a beautiful visual presentation of their essays, values, and beliefs– in the shape of each student.

And finally, the authentic community sharing opportunity: an exhibition for families — as well as themselves.

The many facets of authentic audience

The students shared their projects with families and the school community in an exhibition night. They shared their recordings, essays, art and the whole process of exploration and creation. 

Think about what it means to a student to make a powerful reflection celebrating the value of their life experiences. Students need these self-created reminders of their worth. Pieces that celebrate them. Pieces that remind them they are loved and valued. Don’t overlook the power of a student being their own authentic audience.

In the many times I have been to Cabot this year, these pieces have been hanging near the library. Folks often stop and ponder them. These students feel seen and known, forging connections of life experiences between students, staff and the community that come into the school for events.

How could you see using PBL to help your students explore the value of their life experiences?

5 lessons learned from an integrated middle school PBL unit

Reflections from the Burke Town School

Real World PBLAt Burke Town School, in West Burke VT, students and teachers dove into integrated project based learning (PBL) last year. Here’s what we learned.

Building our PBL unit

This work started with an eighth grade unit, based on the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. After hearing about this work, teachers knew it would be an excellent organizer for a PBL project. They decided to build time into the school day for students to explore these Sustainable Development Goals, and build their own community service projects.

UN Sustainable Global Goals

Extended planning time allowed educators to creatively deconstruct their traditional school day and work toward building student engagement.

Students showed their passion and creativity, as they dove into creating community gardens, energy committees, water wheels, community dinners, habitat restoration crews, education task forces and wilderness first aid courses.

Here’s how it worked.

In December, students participated in a community fair and several field trips to hear about what was already happening in their community. Then, they researched different goals: What did hunger look like in Burke, VT? How could students in Vermont help fight climate change?

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Once students found goals they would like to work on they were put into task forces (3-4 students) with classmates who had similar goals. The groups then worked together to propose projects and wrote grants to the Vermont Rural Partnership Council for funding. It was powerful for students to fund their own projects, and reach out to community members for help as they implemented projects all spring.

But what did Burke’s students think of the project?

When asked what was engaging about the project, students said:

“I liked how we were able to choose our own project, it wasn’t something assigned to you.  It was completely our own idea. It was something bigger.”

“It’s really good practice presenting, because that’s a high school skill we’ll need to work on.”

“It was very engaging because you thought of your own project, that was important to the town and to you.  We were really focused.”

“Hands on, you were controlling how you were learning, and what you were learning.”

“I don’t think there was any question that was asked of me that I didn’t know the answer to.”

“I feel like this project really helped me understand my school and town b/c I had to research a lot.”

“It really does help you learn how to fail, then restart.  We failed the first time, and then we got it back up, then we failed again.  We realized we couldn’t overreact, and that helps make a project much better.”

“Being outside, being able to choose what we’re going to work on, being able to work with community members.  Understanding our community through our goals.”

“We were able to create our own schedules, we could decide what and when to do, we made our own goals. It was more interesting”

“I liked being my own boss, we could schedule our work time.”

“It was a lot of work, with calendars and dates of field trips, our workload was more complicated because we had to problem solve with other adults, more than just our teachers.”

As this work blossomed, there was interest in extending it to the younger grades.

Teachers wondered if we could build a continuum of transferable skills in grades 5-8, to help students build up to such a large, culminating eighth grade project. As with any good teaching, there was a need to reflect on what had gone well, and what could be improved in this PBL unit, and work to make future units better.

Teachers questioned how to better prepare students for self direction and also how to better structure time within a PBL unit, to ensure standards were addressed, students were assessed regularly, and challenged appropriately.

With these questions in mind, teachers designed a 6/7 Inquiry Unit to try out new structures in PBL learning.

Sixth and seventh grade students learned about forest ecology and also human impact on the environment. Then, they began an invention convention challenge, to build an invention that would lessen human impact. Students again worked in task forces (3-4 students) to research, build, test and improve their invention.

Here are 5 lessons learned from implementing these units.

1. Connect with the community.

A huge success of the 8th grade Projects for Hope happened at the launch of the unit. Read here about how teachers implemented a community fair to help students brainstorm project topics. The importance of community connections stayed an important part of both units. Students embraced learning from a variety of adults in their lives, and teachers leaned on community members to present content information (such as how to teach yoga or remove honeysuckle) that emerged from student projects.

Students spent a lot of time emailing and calling community partners.

This was important work, and just-in-time teaching was provided for students on how to draft professional emails, or make phone calls. Students grew in speaking and listening skills throughout this work. It was also important for teachers to design learning experiences by inviting partners in to teach lessons or lead events that the whole class could benefit from. For both units we also partnered with the local libraries (at Lyndon State College and the town library) to borrow books. Bringing in boxes of new books (fiction, nonfiction, picture books, field guides, and how to manuals) livened up the research portion of the unit. We also utilized the local Fairbanks Museum to teach field trips related to project topics.

2. Structure learning time.

One common misconception is that PBL time is free time. There is a fine balance to encouraging self direction and teaching it. Middle schoolers need structure and teachers need to ensure that there are checkpoints for learning.

A few things that helped Burke teachers ensure this time was structured:

  • Common planning time for teachers
  • Daily agendas
  • Conferencing notes, and
  • Learning scales.

Burke teachers have common planning time each day, and it was extended for half a day, once a month. This time was crucial, since teachers were integrating the unit they needed to be on the same page.

Teachers rotated who supervised what project, and therefore needed to know what had happened before, and what the end goal was. Common planning time was used to create common assessments and calendars of daily plans. These shared Google Docs allowed everyone to stay in touch, even when they were working with different groups.

For both projects, teachers were assigned small groups of students to work with. So while one teacher might supervise a whole room of eighth graders on Mondays and Wednesdays, they had one or two small groups they were working with, within that big group. While the teacher would manage the whole room and sometimes provide whole class instruction, they also had a small group to advise (ensuring that during the week each group was regularly checked in with, and had an adult point person). Advisors kept notes after meeting with their groups on a common doc, which allowed all teachers to know what was happening in each group.

Because teachers were integrating instruction, it became important to have a structure to each day.

Teachers found that opening with a mini lesson, inspirational video, or reflection set the tone of the day. After a few minutes of independent reflection, there was time for announcements and any special plans for the day/week. Then students set a daily goal (on their PLP) and work time began. Work time often looked messy (structurally and physically) but advisors checked in with their groups. At the end of the time students were responsible for uploading evidence of their work to their PLP.

Teachers often found that a closing circle was a nice way to end the day. Students shared one word of the day, or a small group taking more time to share out what they’d done.

It is important to allow for reflection and evidence collection in PBL work, and teachers soon learned that ample time needed to be built into the schedule for this. Reflection can’t be done while students are packing up, it needs to be intentional. However, it can happen in varied ways, and as the unit went on students fluctuated between teacher created reflection templates to platforms such as FlipGrid, photo evidence, Instagram posts, written reflection, etc.

3. Team-building is key

This type of PBL work requires students to communicate in small groups often. While students received individual assessments on project standards, they needed to work with others, often for extend periods of time, to make this happen. Teachers addressed this by beginning both units with ample team building (both within the middle school, the eighth grade, and the 6/7 group).

We pre-taught communication strategies and the stages groups go through (forming, storming, norming) through games and simulations.

Then, as students began their project work, advisors pointed out to students when they thought they were in a certain stage (and helped them communicate through difficult times). It became important for team-building work to happen within the small task forces (as well as the larger middle school) so that students could work together well. As with any group work there were challenges. But teachers saw students have great outcomes, many times among peers they wouldn’t have usually worked with, which is hopefully working toward a stronger school community.

4. Use best teaching practices you already know!

An important learning for our team was that PBL does not mean you have to learn a new way of teaching.

You can use many of the best practices already present in your classroom to encourage student learning in PBL. For example, teachers integrated Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study into the PBL project by changing the topic of the 8th grade argument writing unit. Instead of writing about the same topic, students researched their representatives and wrote letters (that they actually mailed) arguing for support of their global goal. Here is a letter received back by and eighth grade student:

In addition to integrating existing curriculums, teachers also realized it was possible to find authenticity in other everyday teaching practices. Advisors conferenced with students much as you would in a reading workshop (looking over the PLP, noting celebrations, and giving students a concrete next step). We also used common assessments and kept students accountable to their learning through common learning scales.

Teachers also used community partners and their own expertise to teach.

To start the 6/7 unit students went through stations for the first few weeks – STEM teachers taught forest ecology, Humanities teachers led research and population lessons and others led team building. In this way, we covered content standards, while allowing students to investigate choice topics and build hands-on, outdoor projects!

5. Authentic audiences increase learning.

A surprising celebration that came from these units was the amount of authentic sharing students were able to engage in. A huge celebration for teachers, parents, and students was seeing the community learn from students. Everyone (teachers and students) saw a huge improvement in student speaking skills, as they presented in front of large crowds, wrote emails, called community partners, etc.

Students shared their work with other young people in the NEK at the Vermont Rural Partnerships Spring Conference. They also shared at the Shelburne Farms Sustainable Development Conference. They encouraged teachers to try project based learning through presentations to school boards, administration teams, and at Dynamic Landscapes.

Students also shared with parents/community members at Burke’s Student Showcase Night.The evening included musical performances and a student-led community dinner as well as project showcases.

As a measure of how successful this year’s even was, it was the first year we ran out of food because so many people attended!



This project was made possible by a grant from Teaching Tolerance.

Evolving student roles in a big (BIG) PBL project

As Dorset’s coop dreams became a reality, students gathered new skills

real world project-based learningWhat does it look like to break one enormous project into several project-based learning units?

For Dorset students to go from dreaming about fresh eggs to actually building a chicken coop required two strategies: breaking the PBL into phases, and asking students to assume different roles along the way.

Let’s break down just how Dorset’s chicken coop project stayed true to its PBL roots and manageable for students and educators.

Continue reading Evolving student roles in a big (BIG) PBL project

Developing empathy for your community

Meet the Humans of Burke

community-based learning the humans of burkeSo many schools operate in isolation from the very communities they are situated in. Do your students know community members? Does your community see your students as young community members?

One small school in Vermont’s remote Northeast Kingdom interpreted the popular “Humans of New York” project to foster connection between their 8th graders and the town’s community. Meet the Humans of Burke.

Continue reading Developing empathy for your community

Using student TED Talks to showcase learning

why digital composition mattersTED Talks are short, personal powerful storytelling. Now: how can students use this medium as motivation to learn, to explore their purpose, extend their perspectives and understandings, and develop strong storytelling and presentation skills?

Let’s find out.

Continue reading Using student TED Talks to showcase learning

Should Vermont host the next Olympics?

Manchester’s 6th graders weigh in… to their Selectboard.

Real World PBLTeams of 6th-grade students from Manchester Elementary Middle School researched this question and put their arguments to the town.

Should Manchester VT put in a bid to host a future Winter Olympics?

Continue reading Should Vermont host the next Olympics?

How to build a better (student-made) chicken coop

Applying NGSS to… chickens?

Real World PBLAt the Dorset School, in Dorset VT, the 8th graders know that fresh, farm-raised eggs taste amazing. The problem: their cafeteria cannot afford local, free-range eggs. So they asked: “What would it take to raise chickens at the school?”

And they used a combination of design engineering, technology and community partners to find out.

Continue reading How to build a better (student-made) chicken coop

Kick off project-based learning with a community event

Hope launches in the Northeast Kingdom

real world project-based learningAs part of participating in the UN’s Global Goals, students at Burke Town School, in West Burke VT, kicked off their service learning projects by inviting their community’s leaders to come to the school and ask for what they needed. What would make West Burke a better place to live? And how could these students help?

Introducing “Project Hope”.

Continue reading Kick off project-based learning with a community event

Race Against Racism VT

It all starts with an idea. Races Against Racism have taken place around the country, and last spring, a community member and organizer Henry Harris suggested that 15-year-old Hope Petraro organize an event in her community. He said she might be interested in having this event in Montpelier. That was just the spark she needed.

Since then, Hope, with the support of her teachers and community mentor, has created an important event to fight back against racism during a time when our country is seeing a resurgence of racial conflict.

Continue reading Race Against Racism VT

How to tell your PBL story

Cornwall students think global, build local, share both

real world project-based learningLast year the most amazing thing happened: my students at the Cornwall School designed and built a playground. They dreamed, planned, proposed, revised, fundraised — deep breath — organized, built and managed.

But then they taught themselves how to share their story: with social media, and with a whole world of educators, so that other students might have the same experience.

Continue reading How to tell your PBL story

The student architects of Shelburne VT

Making math real-world relevant

real world project-based learningWould you tell the school board how to redesign your school? Students at Shelburne Community School, in Shelburne VT, did just that.

They were tasked with redesigning the school’s outdated “kiva” space. Using Google Sketch-Up, they created three different designs for renovating the space, and presented those designs to a panel of local architects, and their school board.

Continue reading The student architects of Shelburne VT

4 Project-Based Learning resources for parents

How do you explain PBL to families?

project-based learning resources for parentsThe popularity of Project-Based Learning (PBL) has grown significantly with teachers and students, but what about parents? When students walk out of school, do they communicate their excitement about PBL to their families?

Let’s look at some resources for helping parents understand why PBL is so engaging for students.

Continue reading 4 Project-Based Learning resources for parents

The great Brian Eno-powered STEAM PBL caper

Wondering how to blend project-based learning with STEAM?

Real World PBLYes, STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Earlier this year we profiled The Cabot School’s amazing public exhibition of sound sculptures highlighting water conservation. They were a big hit with the Cabot community, the students who made them and, it turns out, a fair number of you guys, too: our readers.

In this episode of The 21st Century Classroom, we talk with Cabot School educator Michael Hendrix. We hear about what it takes to pull off STEAM-powered PBL and why Hendrix feels you can’t ever really teach science without art.

Continue reading The great Brian Eno-powered STEAM PBL caper

Project-based learning: Extreme weather PBL unit

 This is Real World PBL

Real World PBLNow we’ve been down the PBL highway, looking at PBL planning, entry events, supports for PBL, culminating events, and technology tools. It’s time to examine at what PBL looks like when educators stop being polite and start getting real: this is PBL in real classrooms.

Let’s start with Courtney Elliott’s fourth and fifth grade class at Proctor Elementary School in Proctor, Vermont. Elliott’s first PBL unit was designed to teach students how to do PBL, while also addressing Next Generation Science Standards. She tiered her approach to build responsibility in the project and to provide supports on the way.

Continue reading Project-based learning: Extreme weather PBL unit

“See America”: Cabot students share their PBL research

Project-based learning is alive and well in rural Vermont

real world project-based learningAs part of The Cabot School‘s Exhibition of Learning earlier this spring, middle school students had a chance to share out some PBL research. Themed around the cultural landscape of the United States, the “See America” exhibit boasted a number of amazing students who showed off outstanding examples of how project-based learning can be applied to history and social sciences. Check out some of the highlights from the exhibition, below.

Continue reading “See America”: Cabot students share their PBL research