Tag Archives: app-smash

Chatterpix in the classroom

A new iOS app to blab about — literally!

Chatterpix is a free iOS app that allows you to put tiny mouths on your photos and give them silly voices. I am not making any of this up. Here’s one of a crab explaining facts about crustaceans:

Cool things about Chatterpix:

  1. Easy to use: choose a photo, draw a line for the mouth and record the message. Boom! Done.
  2. You don’t need to create an account to use it
  3. It’s free
  4. You’re limited to 30 seconds of audio, thus focusing students on the essential elements of storytelling.

There are so many ways you could use this in an educational setting:

  • have students animate a favorite photo of themselves with messages for a virtual exhibition — great for students with social anxiety issues around presenting;
  • record the morning school announcements;
  • create a map of a country and give each state it’s own voice;
  • have students record bios of famous historical figures (HT Matt Bergman)

“Bios” could actually be recorded for just about anything that will hold still long enough: moss, trees, VW Vanagons, abacuses, graham crackers, more moss, just of a different kind. There’s something about the ability to give silly voices (along with glasses, top hats, scarves and electric guitars) to items and get into the storytelling groove that’s incredibly appealing.

In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that if I’d gotten to write dialogues for animated chemistry molecules, I’d’ve passed Chem on the first try:

As an educator, you could also record yourself giving instructions for a lesson; modeling that bio of a famous historical figure; create a map of a significant place in a book your class is reading and APP-SMASH: photos + Chatterpix + other photos + Thinglink = APP-SMASH! YES!

Or you could just record dogs talking about which strand they’re taking at this year’s Code Camp:

What could you do with Chatterpix and your students?

How to: showcase community interviews with digital tools

Meet the digital anthropologists of Cabot, Vermont

In fulfillment of their project-based learning research this past spring, this pair of middle school students decided to learn more about different regions of the U.S. by interviewing members of their small, rural Vermont town who had lived in those communities. They took the resulting interviews and embedded them in this Thinglink:

We recently had a chance to sit down with these students and get them to share how they pulled this amazing project together.

Continue reading How to: showcase community interviews with digital tools

4 great apps for creating presentations on your iPad

It’s that magical, magical time of the year again!

No, not the end of the school year. (STOP THAT.)

I meant it’s the time of year when your students have a lot of opportunities to share out their year’s worth of learning. And here are 4 great apps for creating presentations on your iPad.

1. Touchcast

Touchcast lets students pull links, videos and even interactive polls directly into their videos, as well as letting them easily create scenes in front of a green screen. Imaginary assignment: Have your students file an on-the-spot “news report” from locations around the globe. Also underwater. And from the center of the earth. And in space.

Seriously, someone should do this. Then send us the link, and we’ll showcase your students’ work on this blog. Is that a deal or what?

8th grade scientists in Morrisville, VT, made this series of Touchcast presentations to illustrate distance over time. STEM-tastic!
8th grade scientists in Morrisville, VT, made this series of Touchcast presentations to illustrate distance over time. STEM-tastic!

2. Aurasma

Check it out: you can now make auras directly from the iPad, inside the Aurasma app. A great opportunity to app-smash: have the student video themselves with the iPad’s camera, edit it in holy of holies iMovie, then embed the resultant polished product into a real-world artifact, like their school portrait, or a painting, or a hand-illustrated map of the U.S. Get a whole class-worth’s together and create an Aurasma-powered scavenger hunt around school for parents and visitors. Aurasma’s channel feature means that you control who sees the work, too.

Boom! End-of-year project sorted! All before your second cup of coffee!

Below, this music teacher pinned sheet music up, then embedded videos of student performances in those sheets. Y’all, teachers are so. Clever.


3. Animoto

Personally, I find Animoto the easiest app of the bunch to use when, for instance, you have a bunch of photos you just want to assemble into a montage (“Mon-tage!”) with some cheezy inspiring music laid over the top. It really is just two steps: first, tap tap tap each photo you want to include in the montage (“Mon-tage!”), then pick your music. DONE.

Here’s one I made earlier!


4. HaikuDeck

Educator Mike Pall created this HaikuDeck to offer students tips on shooting great Instagram videos.
Educator Mike Pall created this HaikuDeck to offer students tips on shooting great Instagram videos.

HaikuDeck‘s both easy to use and creates a polished, SlideShare-worthy presentation that, without audio, depends heavily on narrative and visual storytelling to engage the audience. It calls on a different set of cognitive skills and really makes students focus on the message over presentation style.


So! Those are my 4 favorites, but this educator found a whopping 15! Which ones do you use?