Tag Archives: Reel Director

Video creation and editing apps for the classroom

What tools you use are missing from this list?

DragonTape Explain Everything iMotion PhotoStory Reel Director Silent Film Studio Vine Touchcast iMovie HTML Map

I sat down this afternoon to brainstorm a list of video editing, creation and mashup apps that could be useful for educators. Above you’ll find the nine I came up with off the top of my head, all of which I’ve either used or seen used in the classroom. But I know I’m missing some.

Here are some sample lesson plans or how-to’s for each of the video apps above:







  • iMovie: Essex Middle School Edge students use it to make book trailers:


  • Touchcast: Peoples Academy Middle Level 8th graders made STEM-focused Touchcasts to illustrate distance over time:
"An alien named Athena lives on Mars, and goes to school. Athena's house is a spaceship. When she left to go to school, she realized she left something about half way...."
“An alien named Athena lives on Mars, and goes to school. Athena’s house is a spaceship. When she left to go to school, she realized she left something about half way….”


  • ReelDirector: How about a video story of one classroom’s activities?




And this educator handed over the iPad to her own kids, asked for a stop-motion video and was astonished by how many apps they wound up using to create their magnum opus, Invasion:

What video creation / editing / mashup / squish / bash / remix tools are you and your students using?