All posts by Robin Merritt

Robin Merritt joined the Tarrant Institute in November 2014 as a program support specialist. She previously held a position as an associate head field hockey coach at UVM providing her with a unique educator's experience and a love of teaching. Robin brings an array of skills to the Tarrant Institute with her background in team-building, In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, traveling, exploring the world with her three kids and middle school teacher husband, and engaging in activities that have a good ol' competitive spirit.

Will we see you at Dynamic Landscapes 2016?

Check out these dynamic educators

Dynamic Landscapes 2016Are you heading to sunny Burlington, VT this Monday and Tuesday (no really, it will be sunny and warm) for Vita-Learn’s Dynamic Landscapes? It’s a perfect opportunity to mix business with pleasure.

If so, check out our Tarrant Institute partner educators who are presenting! Feel free to store some of those ideas, haul them back to your classroom, and liven up these last few weeks of school!

What’s that you say? You haven’t created your conference schedule yet either? You do not have that sort of time to plan. Let us take care of that for you. Here’s your own personal schedule:

Continue reading Will we see you at Dynamic Landscapes 2016?

Vermont Fest 2015

Heading to the slopes for Vermont Fest

Vermont Fest 2015The lifts are open, but the lure of first tracks is not what is prompting educators from across the state to head to Killington this week. Vermont Fest will be in full effect on Thursday and Friday and educators will be eagerly awaiting the opportunity to exchange ideas and practices around PLPs, goal setting, gamification, student-led conferences and the list goes on.

We are especially proud of our partner educators who have been selected to present at this year’s Vermont Fest.

Continue reading Vermont Fest 2015

Digital Learning Day 2015: Edmunds Middle School

Digital Learning Day 2015What does a green screen, solar paneling, Spanish, wood engraving, and 3D printing have in common? These were just some of the projects that Edmunds Middle School students showcased at their Digital Learning Day on Tuesday.

Students were excited and willing to share their innovative work and we were lucky enough to learn plenty from them!

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Thursday Links Round Up: finding primary sources for history and art

Let Google bring the world to your students

finding primary sources for history and artPrimary sources? Yes please!

As you delve into your various teaching units, why not take your students on a visual tour of an event in history? Or to the Museum of Modern Art to see Van Gogh’s Starry Night? Or to a remote village in Japan? How about a street view virtual experience of Stonehenge? Finding primary sources for history and art can be a challenge, unless you’re using Google Cultural Institute.

Continue reading Thursday Links Round Up: finding primary sources for history and art

Links Round Up: Goal-Setting for Personalized Learning

Give your students ownership over their learning through goal-setting activities

Goal-settingHappy New Year! With school back in session and a new year upon us, why not use this time as an excuse to take a deep breath, reassess your goals, and refocus on what you and your students are striving to achieve?

As your students are creating their typical New Year’s resolutions of being nicer to their siblings, being more creative in their twitter posts, and vowing to clean their room at least once a month, why not encourage academic goals? When given a chance to take ownership over their learning, perhaps students will be more committed to the steps needed to achieve in the classroom.

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What we’re reading: 3 online games that teach sustainability

3 online games that teach sustainabilityAre you looking for a more video game style approach to teaching sustainability?

I remember fondly the days of playing Oregon Trail in my middle school computer class. The game exposed players to the harsh realities of pioneer life, while also teaching us about resource management and the correlation of compiled risky decisions. Check out some (much) newer games that teach sustainability.

Continue reading What we’re reading: 3 online games that teach sustainability

Thursday Links Round Up: Physical Education edition

 Using technology in physical education to promote a healthy lifestyle

Using technology in physical education to promote a healthy lifestyleWelcome! As a former collegiate coach, I know first-hand how invaluable technology can be in fostering athletic growth, while also aiding educators’ decision-making around student-athlete welfare and success. Within the educational setting, there are many creative ways of implementing technology innovation without sacrificing the main goal of keeping students amovin’ and a-groovin’.

Continue reading Thursday Links Round Up: Physical Education edition