The 7 characteristics of a digitally competent teacher

How do you score?

The fine folks over at Daily Genius recently created this infographic, which has subsequently made the rounds on twitter. If you haven’t seen it yet, may I present “The 7 Characteristics of a Digitally Competent Teacher”

digitally competent teacher

I like all of the points raised by this infographic. Balance between digital and non-digital, recognition of the importance of privacy, promotion of digital communication and citizenship – they all get their place. I really like that they point out that digital skills are transferrable, and that teaching with technology and using technology in your everyday life are not separate skill sets.

The only addition I would make would be the knowledge of which technology tools are appropriate for your students, given their developmental level and their individual characteristics. All tools aren’t right for all students at all times, and a skilled teacher knows how to mediate the digital world for her own students and classroom. Overall, great things to keep in mind, and put into a cute package.

Thanks to @adam_deyo for the heads up.

Are you a digitally competent teacher?

What can you see yourself improving in 2015?

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