Project-based learning and creative writing

The play’s the (learning) thing

The 21st Century Classroom podcast by the Tarrant InstituteAlso the musical film and the series of novels. Stay with us on this.

In the 2nd of our three-part series looking at project-based learning with The Edge team at Essex Middle School, we talk to a novelist, a playwright (slash-director-slash-costume-designer-slash-actor) and a film-maker — all at the same time.

Project-based learning and creative writingTony, Anika and Isabel are all 8th graders who agreed to talk with us about where they are with their year-long projects. Tony, the novelist, covers the story arc behind his ongoing scifi fantasy series, Anika talks about the many administrative overhead involved in staging a play and Isabel explains why, in her film, you really can’t ask teachers what they do after school.

Especially Mrs. Gumbleberry.

Check out how these three students have interpreted project-based learning and creative writing in three very different ways.

This series of interviews took place just before the winter holidays during an annual event called “Peek Through the Window” where The Edge team opens their school to the community and invites members to check out their research PBL.

In our third and final installment of this series, we meet a duo of local musicians and a budding mathematician.


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