How many students are on social media?

“It is time that educators recognize and capitalize on the social nature of their students because their virtual interactions stretch well beyond their standard school day. Therefore, by integrating assignments and homework into social media platforms, students’ motivation, their time spent completing school assignments, and their grades will increase.”


Via interactyx and Jonathan Flegg, the answer according to the infographic below is A WHOLE LOT OF THEM. So what does that mean for educators and classrooms?



Audrey Homan

Audrey Homan is a Vermont-based digital media producer, and producer of The 21st Century Classroom podcast. She's worked in non-profit communications for more than a decade, and in her spare time writes tiny video games and mucks about with augmented reality and arduinos, ably assisted by five dogs. Interviewing students and yelling in PHP are the best parts of her job.

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