Decolonizing Place-Based Education

Decolonizing Place-Based Education is an interactive online workshop for educators that we offered in February 2021. It is a collaborative project of the UVM Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education, Gedakina, the UVM Rubenstein School for Nature & Environmental Resources, and Shelburne Farms. Educators Judy Dow, Marie Vea, Aimee Arandia Østensen and Emily Hoyler designed and co-facilitated the materials.

Below please find a recording of the workshop, optimized for solo or team playback.

The workshop itself contains a number of prompts for reflection. We encourage you to listen to these materials as a solo practitioner, or with your teaching team.

De-Colonizing Place-Based Education


Additionally, we’re providing a copy of the slides used in the workshop for your reference. That said, we do encourage you to work through the video content along with the slides.  Please note that we release these materials under Creative Commons license 4.0: non-commercial use and remix, with attribution.



Each month, the UVM Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education offers 1-2 interactive online workshops for educators. These workshops aim to help educators tackle topics of current import to classroom work. Additionally, they provide documented re-certification hours.

If you’ve attended one of our workshops and have found it useful in your work, please consider donating to us, to keep these workshops free to attendees. Or, if you have an idea or a need for a workshop you’d like us to coordinate, please reach out and let us know.

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