Tag Archives: Google+ Communities

Using Google tools to connect with other schools

Reaching beyond the walls

using Google tools to connect classroomsI’m always looking for ways for educators and students at different schools to use technology to connect in far-flung locations. One middle-level educator was kind enough to share how he used Google Hangouts, a Google+ Community, back-channeling and plain old email to enable his students to connect with students a couple of states away.

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Student motivation in claims, evidence and audience

What makes an argument worth making?

student motivation in claims and evidenceRecently, I was working with a colleague about getting students more jazzed to dive deep into building claims with supporting evidence.

My colleague stated:

“To be an argument, there needs to be a sense of “others” who are vying against our argument in ways that excite/worry us about our intellectual flanks. Moreover, to be an argument, one needs to have some skin in the game. Who wants to argue an argument that’s already been made/won, and that all sides know the answer to? In general, “how” questions …elicit procedures/summaries of what is known. “Why” questions generally do a lot better stoking argument.”

I took a few minutes this morning to pull together some resources that might help to create an audience of “others” or that could be used to generate engagement in the claims/evidence making process.

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Six Google+ Communities you should be part of

Feed and grow your PLN as an educator

Six Google+ Communities you should be part ofNow that you’ve gotten started with Google+ Communities, you may be wondering how to make the most of the time you spend there.

How can you find other tech-minded educators to learn from? How can you maximize your connections and find folks who can help with your classroom questions and teach you new things about tech?

We’ve pulled together six Google+ Communities you should be part of as an educator, and be warned: that 6th one’s a game-changer.

Continue reading Six Google+ Communities you should be part of