Six Google+ Communities you should be part of

Feed and grow your PLN as an educator

Six Google+ Communities you should be part ofNow that you’ve gotten started with Google+ Communities, you may be wondering how to make the most of the time you spend there.

How can you find other tech-minded educators to learn from? How can you maximize your connections and find folks who can help with your classroom questions and teach you new things about tech?

We’ve pulled together six Google+ Communities you should be part of as an educator, and be warned: that 6th one’s a game-changer.

Six Google+ Communities you should be part of

1. iPadEd

One of the friendliest Communities ever, these folks know iPads. A high-density, high-traffic Community with a lot of educators who really stress-test iPads in the classroom. This is a great place to bring your questions, no matter how big or small.

 Six Google+ Communities you should be part of

2. 1:1 with Chromebooks

Does what it says on the tin: all the information you could want about using Chromebooks in schools.

 Six Google+ Communities you should be part of

3. Using iOS Devices in Education

With a broader lens than iPadEd, this Community’s great for the BYOD crowd.

 Six Google+ Communities you should be part of

4. 1:1 EDU Community

A device-agnostic Community that focuses more on pedagogy and management issues around 1:1 programs worldwide.

 Six Google+ Communities you should be part of

5. Innovative VT Education

Hey, that’s us! This is our small but mighty spotlight on some of Vermont’s most innovative classrooms, as well as local community opportunities for educators and competitions and events. Swing by and say hi!

6. The Google+ Community you create after reading this post

Google+ Communities are a great place for folks at your school to get together online. You can create a Google+ Community for your faculty team, or a school-wide Community to encourage family involvement, celebrate school spirit in your local community or boost your school’s social media presence.  It’s also a great way to provide one-on-one support for students at a distance or in a flipped classroom setting.

Check out how Wamogo Tech has integrated Google+ Communities in their school.

What will you do with Google+ Communities?

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