Getting started with Google+ Communities

It’s all about your Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Google+ communities are becoming a major way for educators to get inspired by other classrooms, get tech questions answered and make personal and professional connections.

Jump in and get started!


Getting started with Google+ Communities

To get started with Communities, head over to your Google+ profile click on the Home button at the top lefthand side of the screen, just under the word Google+. Under the drop-down menu, click on Communities, and you’ll see a screen similar to the photo above. This screen will show all the Communities you’re subscribed to.

Find a Community based on your interests

When you’re looking at your Communities feed, up in the top right-hand corner you’ll see a Search bar. It does exactly that, so go in and type in your interests, see who else is out there. A couple of fun edtech Communities to start with are iPadEd, Project-Based Learning and the 1:1 EDU Community.

When you find a Community that seems interesting, don’t be shy about joining. Do it! DO EEEET. It won’t trigger a klaxon alarm or a bell or anything, you’ll just see that Community icon listed next time you check your Communities feed.

Okay, you’re in. Now what?

Now’s the fun part!


Getting started with Google+ Communities


Community posts are listed on the right side of the screen, with most recent first. In the uppermost right-hand box, you’ll write your posts. Just jot down a few words and feel free to include a link or a video, or an announcement for an event you’re hosting.

On the left side you’ll see an info box about the Community, as well as a Search bar, so you can tell whether the information you’re looking for has been covered in an earlier discussion.

+1 for good behavior

Getting started with Google+ Communities

Google+ Communities run on +1s:

  • See a post you think is helpful? Hit the +1, so the author knows you liked it.
  • See a comment you think is helpful? You can +1 that too.

You can also see who else is in a conversation on a post with you. Their icons are clickable (see above photo) so you can visit their Google+ profile and see if they’re someone you’d like to follow or hear more from.

Pro-tip: if you have Notifications turned on for a Community, posts will be delivered to the email address you use Google+ with, and you can comment and +1 posts right from your email. You can even +1 other comments without leaving the confines of your Gmail.

So what are you waiting for? Jump in and join!

See you out there!


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