Tag Archives: nearpod

Hyperdocs 101

What in the world are hyperdocs?

A hyperdoc is a mini lesson. Almost like a small, self-directed learning module. It usually lives in a Google Doc, or Google Slides, but instead of being simply a collection of resources, it asks students to perform tasks or respond, directly in the doc. It provides scaffolded directions in a way that normal worksheets don’t.

Why hyperdocs?

Our students need us more than ever to provide clarity about what we want them to know, understand, and do in any learning opportunity. Without in-person cues, prompts, body language, routines? Students learning in hybrid and remote environments can get easily lost. But hyperdocs can help us provide clarity.

A well-designed hyperdoc gives learners what they need to succeed: a sequence of learning activities that move toward a clear target.

Rather than a one-off lesson that might not feel connected, we provide context with a clear learning target and easy-to-follow instructional steps with a hyperdoc. And, our learners can experience control over path, place, and pace in our unit or mini-lesson with the scaffolding provided. 

What does a hyperdoc look like?

Here’s a sample hyperdoc that you can run off with: it focuses on Nearpod.


How do I make a hyperdoc?

You can make a hyperdoc from scratch or explore pre-created templates. Simply make a copy and edit it for your context and your learners’ needs. The best hyperdocs build in multimedia rich resources, opportunities for individual practice, and collaborative application along the way.

We created our Nearpod example from one of the templates on hyperdocs.co: Explore, Explain, Apply.

We organized each of the resources and activities under one of those categories so that you, as a learner, could work through the activity of learning Nearpod under a scheme that we feel simplifies the overarching learning arc.

Too many words for a Monday morning. Shoot me a video.

You got it, chief.

Better yet, grab the resources from my recent webinar, How to Use Hyperdocs & Choice Boards for Remote Learning. Here are the slides:

And the recording will be available on 11/30/2020.



4 ways students can control the pace of content delivery

Deliver the goods!

tech-rich social studiesRather than creating a unit on the Civil War, imagine working with an individual student or small group on a topic that fully engages them, but might be something you know little about. First we looked at how to find resources in multiple formats, to meet students’ different learning needs and preferences.

Now, how do we deliver those materials in a way that responds to students’ needs and also gives them some choice in how, when, and where they learn?
Continue reading 4 ways students can control the pace of content delivery

The tech-rich social studies classroom

Building a differentiation & personalization toolkit

tech-rich social studiesI was privileged recently to work with a number of pre-service teachers here at the University of Vermont. All were eager to gain access to tools and resources to help them respond to the variety of learners’ needs they will face in classrooms.

Using the Civil War as our (broad) topic, we developed a workflow for creating a tech-rich social studies unit responsive to different learners’ needs. And using ourselves as learners, we tested out our methods.

Continue reading The tech-rich social studies classroom

How does professional development affect technology integration?

The impact of PD in a 1:1 teaching environment

how does professional development affect technology integration?A trio of middle grades educators from Mill River Union High School, in Clarendon, Vermont, presented the results of their semester-long action research project, examining what role professional development plays in increasing the amount of time technology is integrated into the classroom in a 1:1 environment.

Continue reading How does professional development affect technology integration?

What are some good tools for studying hurricanes?

Science app-smashing in a 1:1 environment

iPAd how to in a 1:1Brendan Nerney, a middle grades educator at Mill River Union High School in Clarendon, Vermont, explains some of the edtech tools his students use to study hurricanes with their iPads. The students used a variety of edtech tools to produce a mock newscast documenting a hurricane and its aftermath.

Let’s look at some good tools for studying hurricanes.

Continue reading What are some good tools for studying hurricanes?

Finding joy in the classroom

Is joy in learning an innovation?

joy in the classroomRecently, I was charmed and inspired upon seeing a first grade student’s take on setting goals to improve healthy habits on the Franklin West Supervisory Union blog. I shared this student photo (at left) with a group of teachers during a goal-setting and reflection workshop. They all smiled, especially after I asked them to think about what evidence this student might gather and share to demonstrate she has met this resolution.

Wouldn’t we all love to see that collection of “demonstrated joy” from all of our students? Of course, that would require us to create “joyous” learning opportunities or at the very least honor students’ joyous learning where ever it takes place.

Continue reading Finding joy in the classroom

R is for REAL Reflection

Getting real about student reflection

getting real about student reflectionAh, reflection. It may bring to mind an introspective moment, perhaps gazing into the still waters of a mountain lake and seeing a slightly puzzled person staring back. That’s not the kind of reflection we are talking about here.

Reflection in a 21st Century learning sense is a key component of personalized learning.

Reflection allows students to construct knowledge, make personal connections, and ultimately become self-driven learners. More like a trailside break on a wilderness trek than a lazy lakeside afternoon. Continue reading R is for REAL Reflection

N is for Nearpod

How these educators used Nearpod for professional development

nearpod for professional developmentEducators instinctively understand the engagement power of a tool that allows learners to actively participate in the learning.

For those of you new to Nearpod, this multi-platform app allows teachers to shoot out presentations — think Powerpoints or Google Slides made interactive — directly to their students’ devices.  Content slides can be interspersed with embedded polls, quizzes, and drawing tools for in-the-moment formative assessment.

Continue reading N is for Nearpod