N is for Nearpod

How these educators used Nearpod for professional development

nearpod for professional developmentEducators instinctively understand the engagement power of a tool that allows learners to actively participate in the learning.

For those of you new to Nearpod, this multi-platform app allows teachers to shoot out presentations — think Powerpoints or Google Slides made interactive — directly to their students’ devices.  Content slides can be interspersed with embedded polls, quizzes, and drawing tools for in-the-moment formative assessment.

nearpod for professional developmentThe readiness by most to quickly explore Nearpod’s potential continues to be reinforced every time I work with a crew of folks interested in getting an idea across.  For instance, the ever-game-to-explore teachers at Hazen Union School grabbed onto the power of Nearpod to make adult professional development more effective.  

The day before the session, I introduced Nearpod and the crew immediately recognized the power of embedding interactive elements to generate engagement, uncover misconceptions, and spark conversation.  

The faculty meeting transformed into one of audience members’ passive reception of information to active construction of knowledge as one of the embedded tasks asked participants to draw their understanding of the word community.

The group took full advantage after experiencing a Nearpod session to generate and share possible uses and to explore the content library.

Currently they are using Nearpod’s Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship lessons to engage their students in becoming active and informed users of technology.

nearpod for professional developmentOther uses?  Attending a meeting virtually?  

Instead of squinting to see slides projected onto a screen through your Google hangout, Facetime, or Skype connection screen, slides can be shot out to attendees at a distance.

Presenting information to a small group but don’t have access to a projector?  

Rather than hover around a screen, share the slides via Nearpod presentation like we did at the AMLE research roundtable where we shared our work with interested colleagues about Learning Management Systems and their impact on teacher practice.

Presentations can be shared live in class with the teacher selecting and controlling the pace. In addition, Nearpod presentations can be assigned for homework.  Check out this SnapGuide How to Send Nearpod Homework to Your Students for instructions.


the ABCs of edtech

Nearpod structures interactive presentations for local and extended audiences. It could be a great tool for students to share knowledge and understandings with remote collaborators.

To learn more about how to create presentations and explore the limits and affordances of the free vs. paid accounts, read this great post Lessons Learned Using Nearpod Presentations on iPads with Students by Wes Fryer.


What does Nearpod look like in a classroom?

Take some time to explore these other examples of how Nearpod can be used with education:


And finally, imagine the interactive and engaging presentations your students can create when given access to this tool!

Need to catch up on your edtech ABCs? Check out the full series here.

11 thoughts on “N is for Nearpod”

  1. Susan,
    Thanks for the thorough review! It’s great that you highlighted Nearpod’s uses with kids AND adult learners. It seems like you’re super familiar with our different use cases and comfortable sharing the platform with others. Have you checked out the PioNear program? http://www.nearpod.com/pionears.

    We love hearing teacher feedback and are always looking to improve the product, so if you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out!

What do you think?