All posts by Jennifer Hill

As the librarian at Crossett Brook Middle School, Jennifer Hill has the pleasure of working and growing with a tremendous study body and staff. These people, these books, this learning is what it is all about! You will find Jen reading in the halls, finding rocks in the brook, watering her plants, and now – using a glue gun (first time ever!)

MakerSpace Wonderland at Crossett Brook MS

The Story of MakerSpace: A Rabbit Interrupts a Drowsy Day

the story of a makerspaceThe story of MakerSpace at Crossett Brook Middle School begins with two bunnies. The bunnies lived outside the library in a hutch built by our Sustainability students who loved the bunnies. Winter was coming… the bunnies needed to move inside. The sad turn in this story is that the bunnies were not able to stay. Being in cages in the library with many daily visitors caused them stress. So, once I found a happy home for them and they moved out… poof!

A space was now available…an empty table…no books on it…no piles…what was possible?

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