Meet @ThisIsVTED

A twitter showcase of amazing Vermont schools

@ThisIsVTEDWish you could see more of the innovative ways Vermont students and educators are changing learning? Have difficulty finding a full year to travel around the state?

Let twitter help. With @ThisIsVTED.

What is @ThisIsVTED?

@ThisIsVTED@ThisIsVTED is a new twitter account for all of Vermont’s education community.

Each week, a different educator, administrator, group of students or school will use the account to share the incredible work being done in schools all over the state.

What does @ThisIsVTED look like?

Superintendent Ned Kirsch and the entire Franklin West Supervisory Union drove the account in its inaugural week, and this is some of what they shared:




What’s next for @ThisIsVTED?

@ThisIsVTEDNext up on the rotation: principal John Craig will be sharing some of the wonderful work students and educators are doing at Hazen Union School, in Hardwick VT. Make sure you’re following the @ThisIsVTED account to catch it all.


Want to drive the @ThisIsVTED account?

We’re still looking for hosts for the fall semester! There are a few slots left, so sign up via this handy Google spreadsheet.

To drive the account, you need to post a minimum of three times a day, with no upper limit on how many times you post. Open the floodgates: photos, videos, deep thoughts, links to blogposts, event announcements — whatever is happening at Hazen that you’d like both the education and Vermont communities to know about. We want you to get your stories out there!

And don’t forget about #VTED chat

Save the date: the next #VTED chat is this coming Thursday, 9/22 @ 8pm EST.

What do you want to share about the way you’re changing learning in Vermont?

If you’re new to twitter, check out our guide getting started with twitter for educators.

What do you think?