Rob Gervais on going 1:1 with iPads

1:1 with iPads

Going 1:1 with iPads: lessons learned

In this 40 minute webinar, Rob Gervais, director of technology for Enosburg Town Schools, goes over the nuts and bolts of deploying a 1:1 iPad environment. Enosburg Town Schools were among the first schools in Vermont to go 1:1 with iPads, and Gervais faced a number of challenges in the implementation of them, including the need for upgraded school-wide wifi and a charging system. At the same time, he and the rest of the school were able to innovate some amazing tools for iPad management, including communications with families about the program.

Please enjoy.

Related links for “Going 1:1 with iPads”:

1:1 with iPads


Rob Gervais has also presented on Enosburg Falls’ 1:1 with iPads work at Vermont Fest and Dynamic Landscapes. The school also hosts iPad Info nights for parents and families, at which they discuss online safety, code of conduct in relation to iPads and digital citizenship, featuring a downloadable guide to responsible Facebook use.

Other schools in Vermont that have shared their resources for going 1:1 with iPads include Burlington School District, Harwood Union Middle School and Peoples Academy Middle Level.

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