Tag Archives: physical education

Physical education & remote learning

We know the importance of physical activity to our health and well-being. So, when we educators needed to pivot quickly to remote learning last March, physical education teachers faced a unique challenge.

Educators in the Kingdom East school district got busy quickly to respond and provide ongoing learning opportunities despite the constraints.  How might we build on their collective efforts?

A collective effort

Theresa Young is the curriculum coordinator for the Kingdom East School District. The collaborative effort of Physical Education and Health educators in her district stood out to her. It is an example of an impressive collective effort to meet needs. These educators moved quickly and creatively to launch a district-wide website with the necessary tools, strategies, and resources for families to take next steps. Take a look and you’ll see why.

The KESD P.E. & Health page is a landing space filled with resources for students and their families from kindergarten to 8th grade.

Site highlights

physical education and remote learning KESD homepage


On the site, students can access an array of engaging resources.

Middle level students were invited to:

  • explore the calendar,
  • pick out one of the suggested activities to try 2 or 3 times a week
  • And, share / reflect on the experience with this Google Form 👉


physical education and remote learning
Click or tap to enlarge the image.


Sharing student work

In addition to a resource collection and feedback form, the site helped educators highlight student work. First grader Carter Boivin published his own book: Bike Safety Manual! And KESD is happy to share it broadly.

Carter’s interest in biking translated into advice shared with a wide audience through this collective space.


Other ongoing supports

As the educators were building out the site, Jeremiah Bias found a creative way to engage his students in physical education activities. He video recorded himself sharing and modeling a physical activity easily replicated at home. Many schools in the Kingdom East School District use Seesaw.  Jeremiah delivered these engaging videos through Seesaw postings.

The key: engage learners to be active and healthy, even when we have to do so at a distance!

Further exploration

Want to know more about ways physical education teachers can work to keep students and their families active this summer at a distance and plan for the fall?

Check out:


Phys ed 2.0: More learning, less suffering

Personalizing PE

peer PLP collaborationIn this era of personalized learning, it’s not just the jocks that find P.E. enjoyable.

At Crossett Brook Middle School and Shelburne Community School, students employ cool technology, develop creative projects, and pursue personal interests and goals while developing autonomy, healthy habits, and deep understandings.

Continue reading Phys ed 2.0: More learning, less suffering

Thursday Links Round Up: Physical Education edition

 Using technology in physical education to promote a healthy lifestyle

Using technology in physical education to promote a healthy lifestyleWelcome! As a former collegiate coach, I know first-hand how invaluable technology can be in fostering athletic growth, while also aiding educators’ decision-making around student-athlete welfare and success. Within the educational setting, there are many creative ways of implementing technology innovation without sacrificing the main goal of keeping students amovin’ and a-groovin’.

Continue reading Thursday Links Round Up: Physical Education edition