Tuesday Links Round-up

What We’re Reading Right Now:



  • You already know we’re huge Touchcast nerds here at TIIE, so we really enjoyed this 7th grade Touchcast about the genetic traits of offspring:

[touchcast url=”http://www.touchcast.com/flipsci/offspring_traits_presentation” autoplay=”0″ autoforward=”0″ dimension=”480×270″]

  • “For one language arts class project, a middle school teacher in Shelburne, Virginia, Chad Sansing, asks his sixth graders to read Peter Cherches’s 1986 poem “Lift Your Right Arm,” and then translate it into computer code.” Fascinating look at transmedia, a 21st century term for using more than one media platform to tell a story or teach a concept. (via @sljournal)



What does this mean for classroom settings?

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