3 Educators Having Way Too Much Fun on YouTube

First up: Mr. Betts, who in addition to sporting a terrible British accent and pretending to fling tea all over Boston and recording a history of Halloween traditions (You Don’t Know Jack (o’Lanterns)) made this terrifying earworm of a video about 17th century economists. Yes, set to the tune of “What Does the Fox Say?” it’s “What Does John Locke Say?”


What Does John Locke Say? (The Fox Parody) - @mrbettsclass


Don’t click the link. Don’t do it. You will never get that song out of your head.



Second, we have these students, see, who thought they were being interviewed for a graduation video. Well, they were. But what they didn’t realize is that in every interview, their teachers at Ogden High, in Ogden, Utah, were dancing up a storm behind them.


YouTube player


Well played, teachers.


And lastly, this chemistry teacher raps over a Rick Ross beat to get his students into stoichiometry (which I just had to go look up, so there’s another brain moved by this video).


Chemistry Teacher Stoichiometry Rap



So. What other things are educators getting up to on YouTube?

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