4 edtech podcasts you should be listening to

Besides ours, of course 🙂

4 edtech podcasts you should be listening toIn case you’re just tuning in, podcasts are having something of a renaissance. People are finding themselves on treadmills or trapped in cars on their commutes back and forth to work and soccer practice or just out for a long walk with the dog after dinner. And in this do-more-be-more-right-now world, podcasts represent a great way to make use of that time by sneaking in a little PD.

Get your PD to go


With a national focus and a consistent position on the bleeding edge of edtech, Techlandia’s a definite must-listen for innovative tech educators. Frequent guests from twitter’s edutech community, this is a fun and thinky way to keep up with current issues in technology integration. Episodes are generally between a half hour and an hour long, so save them for your longer commutes, but definitely give them a listen.



The full package: three principals and assorted principally guests sit down a couple times a month to hash out administrative leadership issues. The episode above covers edtech tools principals can use for walkthroughs and observations. Episodes are about half an hour long, frequently available in either a video or audio-only formats, there’s a related #PrincipalPLN ongoing twitter chat and the hosts genuinely seem to like one another. Good stuff.

RESVT: The Richmond Elementary School podcast

Probably my favorite right now, I’m not gonna lie. First of all, The Bear Story, which I know I said I wouldn’t talk about ever again but I LIED and now it’s been joined by The Muskrat Story, below. Could someone get superintendent John Alberghini his own show already? That would be fabulous.

Anyway, second and almost more important (sorry Mr Alberghini), this podcast really high quality production that gives the listener audio glimpses into a truly interesting school filled with passionate learners and educators. Usually around 10 minutes long, the RESVT podcast now features “shorts” as well, 2-3 minute snippets of powerful learning and admit it, you have 3 minutes in your day to care about education. Not strictly edtech related, but entirely amazing. Go subscribe!


Teacher’s Aid

4 edtech podcasts you should listen toVia the BAM Radio Network, Teacher’s Aid covers a wide-ranging set of topics including How Much Technology is Too Much?, Technology in education: what works and what doesn’t, and Myths and Misconceptions About Formative Assessment. Not always tech-focused but always thought-provoking, episodes are about 10 minutes in length, making them manageable for getting even the fattest pug out the door and just around the block. Inexplicably for 2014, the podcasts themselves aren’t embeddable, but other than that, absolutely stellar.


What podcasts do you listen to for your own professional development?


9 thoughts on “4 edtech podcasts you should be listening to”

  1. The crew of the RESVT Podcast are grateful to be included in this group of folks! Our podcast started off as an experiment and it’s rapidly becoming more than that…and it’s awesome fun to make! Thank you for the support and recognition, it’s appreciated. We’ll work on that solo show for Mr. Alberghini too. I’ve been telling him for years he needs to get these stories down for future generations…I’ll keep trying to get them on audio too.

    From a principal’s perspective the podcasts have allowed me to be more thoughtful about instructional leadership by really forcing me to listen…and listen well, to what’s going on. It’s amazing!

    1. I’d actually been wondering whether there was a connection between your practice as an administrative leader and the very active role you take in your school’s podcast, so thank you for weighing in on that. I’d be curious to hear more about that relationship, as I think it’d be very valuable for other administrators. Care to come on our podcast and talk about it? 😀

What do you think?