A Vermont-centric look at personalized learning for social justice

The recent issue of the research journal Middle Grades Review was extraordinary for two reasons. First, it focused on the intersection of personalized learning and social justice education. And second, Vermont educators authored all but one of the articles. I encourage folks to peruse the entire issue, but this may not be realistic in the … Continue reading A Vermont-centric look at personalized learning for social justice

Student-centered personalized learning starts with identity

“Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” That. Quote. Drives. Me. Nuts. I mean, duh!  And of course! And who else am I gonna be?!  [Also it makes the librarian in me nuts because it is often attributed to Oscar Wilde, but there is no evidence he ever said it. Additionally, he doesn’t seem to have … Continue reading Student-centered personalized learning starts with identity

Personalized learning in the spring garden

Signs of spring surround us: snow is melting, the days are lengthening, and the mud has returned. So it must be time to think about school gardens!  School gardens have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and for good reasons. They’re highly engaging, and ripe with educational opportunities, ha ha. But did you … Continue reading Personalized learning in the spring garden

Measuring the value of a personalized learning coordinator

Will schools really re-open this fall? And what will they look like? Most of all: how will we ensure that our teachers and students are safe? Even though I usually do my best to think about anything but school during summer vacation, this year I’ve been tuning into the conversation on reopening. Why? For one … Continue reading Measuring the value of a personalized learning coordinator

Trauma-informed personalized learning

Seeing back-to-school activities & personalized learning through the lens of trauma-informed classroom practices I had a eureka! moment this summer. We are so lucky when our critical thinking converges ideas in ways previously unrealized. It transformationally reframes our thinking. Those moments enrich ourselves and arrive with the promise that our private learning should have public … Continue reading Trauma-informed personalized learning

1.1 The Three Pillars of Personalized Learning

Climb every pillar… The “three pillars” are a helpful way to envision the three components of personalized learning. They’re interdependent, working best when implemented together. Together they can help us create improve learning for young adolescents.   Green Mountain Union High School provides students with a program known as Wilderness Semester. Students learn outdoors skills … Continue reading 1.1 The Three Pillars of Personalized Learning

Ch 1: Defining Personalized Learning

Just what is Personalized Learning? Personalized learning is a partnership between students and teachers in the design of learning that emerges from students’ interests, questions, needs, and preferences, towards an aim of self-directed learning (Bray & McClaskey, 2014). The best personalization is both personal and social, filled with purpose, and rooted in community. It’s a … Continue reading Ch 1: Defining Personalized Learning

#vted Reads: Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades, with Penny Bishop

HELLO! I’m Jeanie Phillips and welcome back to vted Reads! We’re kicking off our second season of the podcast with none other than author, professor, associate dean and Vermont education LEGEND, Dr. Penny Bishop. We’ll talk VT PLPs, the power of a compelling school example in changing classrooms practices, and how to steal all the … Continue reading #vted Reads: Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades, with Penny Bishop

Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)

Knowing each student well is essential to a year of flourishing for students and educators. It’s a prerequisite to ensuring equitable access to belonging and wellbeing, a culturally-responsive learning environment, and deep learning. And it enriches the relationships so central to thriving among youth and adults alike. Personal learning plans (PLPs) can drive a rich … Continue reading Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)

Tarrant Institute writes the book on Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades

The Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education’s recent book, Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades, published by Harvard Education Press, places Vermont in the national conversation about deeper learning, personalized learning policy, and postsecondary access and success. The book is a synthesis of the institute’s research into school change and education for young adolescents. In addition, … Continue reading Tarrant Institute writes the book on Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades

Chapter 3: Laying the Groundwork for Personalized Learning

Foundations & Connections The Learning Edge: Supporting Student Success in a Competency-Based Learning Environment, Laura Shubilla and Chris Sturgis, iNACOL, 2012 What is SEL? The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Gold Standard Project Based Learning, Buck Institute for Education Transferable Skills: Sample Graduation Proficiencies and Performance Indicators, Vermont Agency of Education Examples and … Continue reading Chapter 3: Laying the Groundwork for Personalized Learning

Chapter 1: Personalized Learning for the Young Adolescent

Foundations & Connections Personalized Learning and Personal Learning Plan,The Glossary of Education Reform, New England Secondary Schools Consortium How Personal Learning is Working in Vermont, Penny Bishop, John Downes, and James Nagle, Educational Leadership, 2017 Promising State Policies for Personalized Learning, Susan Patrick et al., iNACOL, 2016

Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades

How do educators personalize learning to engage, inspire & motivate students?   We’re pleased to share that our new book, Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades: A Guide for Teachers and School Leaders, will be available beginning May 7th. It’s available now for preorder. Teachers in grades five through eight can use personalized learning plans … Continue reading Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades

Chapter 2: Personalized Learning Plans

Foundations & Connections Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Motivation, Engagement, and Student Voice, Eric Toshalis and Michael J. Nakkula, Jobs for the Future, 2012 The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, World Economic Forum, 2016 Proficiency, Personalization, and a Cocktail Napkin: Or, How PBL Became PPBL, Emily Rinkema, … Continue reading Chapter 2: Personalized Learning Plans

The new Crossett Brook personalized learning plans

One way to make sure PLPs are student-driven: hand them the keys At the end of last school year, the PLP Student Leadership Team at Crossett Brook Middle School presented to staff their recommendations for the future of PLPs at the school. And the staff unanimously supported all of the recommendations. But it’s one thing … Continue reading The new Crossett Brook personalized learning plans

Curiosity Projects: A stepping-stone to Personalized Learning

What is curiosity? Is curiosity important? What does it mean to be a curious learner? What am I curious about? These are some of the questions Cornwall, VT students considered this winter as they embarked on inquiry-based, personalized, research projects. For six weeks, we turned learning over to our students for the (first annual!) Curiosity … Continue reading Curiosity Projects: A stepping-stone to Personalized Learning

Creating flexible classrooms for personalized learning

Flexible classroom spaces encourage flexible learning My principal in Baltimore came into my classroom one day and saw one of my students, Bree, standing next to a bookshelf in the back of my room with her laptop open and her things strewn about the surface. He approached her and asked, “Why aren’t you in your seat?” … Continue reading Creating flexible classrooms for personalized learning

4 educators reflect on personalized learning

Setting goals for summer learning and beyond It’s Day 3 of the 2015 Middle Grades Institute, a gathering of more than 200 Vermont educators all passionately invested in technology-rich, student-centered educational change. And with the Act 77 deadline requiring a Personal Learning Plan for every student in Vermont grades 7-12 coming up in November, talk … Continue reading 4 educators reflect on personalized learning

Personalized Learning in Vermont

Implementation of personal learning plans (PLPs) around Vermont As Vermont works through the first year of implementing personalized learning and Act 77, Flexible pathways to secondary education completion (pdf) there ‘s a lot of discussion on the best way to implement personalized learning in Vermont. PLPs are non-traditional pathways by which students can navigate from entrance … Continue reading Personalized Learning in Vermont

Links Round Up: Goal-Setting for Personalized Learning

Give your students ownership over their learning through goal-setting activities Happy New Year! With school back in session and a new year upon us, why not use this time as an excuse to take a deep breath, reassess your goals, and refocus on what you and your students are striving to achieve? As your students … Continue reading Links Round Up: Goal-Setting for Personalized Learning

4 ways personalized learning plans are taking off in Vermont

Educators are embracing digital tools for planning and sharing Personalized learning plans, or PLPs, are non-traditional pathways by which students can navigate from entrance to graduation in a way that’s personally meaningful. By studying topics they’re passionate about, students continue to stay engaged; by collaborating on the plans with educators and family, students’ passions can … Continue reading 4 ways personalized learning plans are taking off in Vermont

Personalized STEM learning at Essex High School

New podcast episode: Essex STEM Academy In this episode, we talk with math educator and STEM Academy leader Lea Ann Smith about Essex High School’s STEM Academy and take a look inside a program that lets students pursue projects in medicine, engineering, computer science, mathematics or biology — by working with community partners during the school … Continue reading Personalized STEM learning at Essex High School

Prioritizing daily movement and experiential learning in Newark

Dillin, a seventh grade student at Newark Street School (NSS), had this to say about starting school with 30 minutes of daily movement: “So my perspective is, I really like it. It gets you healthy. Your heart beats, and then you get ready for the day you have after you’re done doing it. Like you … Continue reading Prioritizing daily movement and experiential learning in Newark

PLPs to Know Students Well: Introducing the Personal Learning Plan Toolkit

Knowing each student well is essential to a year of flourishing for students and educators. It’s a prerequisite to ensuring equitable access to belonging and wellbeing, a culturally-responsive learning environment, and deep learning. And it enriches the relationships so central to a thriving school. Personal learning plans (PLPs) can drive a rich and sustained process … Continue reading PLPs to Know Students Well: Introducing the Personal Learning Plan Toolkit

Preparing for remote learning

As we consider widespread school closures and how we might adapt, it’s important that our aim isn’t to recreate a typical school day, but instead, leverage strong teacher and student relationships and available technology to prioritize connection and support each other, and to create and document learning experiences and activities. We are in uncharted waters. … Continue reading Preparing for remote learning

Learning Lab VT Profiles 2019-20

Learning Lab VT Hosts, 2019-2020 Learning Lab VT hosts are educators at six schools in Vermont opening their classrooms to share their practice with visitors. To discover each of their driving research questions about personalized learning, and to find out more about them, visit them at the links below. Or, hover over the stars on … Continue reading Learning Lab VT Profiles 2019-20

The powerful practice of documenting learning

How do we know what our students know and can do? What, when, and how are we asking them to show us? In recent conversations with my colleagues, we’ve been considering shifts in assessment required of us in proficiency-based education. Now, let’s explore how to put those shifts into practice.   When we consider those … Continue reading The powerful practice of documenting learning

Hitting learning targets in Vermont hunter education

My twelve-year-old son is becoming a hunter. Myself, I’ve never even fired a gun, but Henry has been interested in learning how to hunt for several years. Given that he was born in Vermont and has a doting outdoorsman grandpa, his lifetime Vermont fishing and hunting license was purchased when he was 6 months old … Continue reading Hitting learning targets in Vermont hunter education

About Our Learning Lab

What is Learning Lab VT?   Learning Lab VT is a network of Vermont educators who are implementing personalized learning strategies with their students. This year-long experience provides a cohort of educators the networked support they need to partner with their students and each other to explore strategies that answers the questions: Why personalization? What, … Continue reading About Our Learning Lab

Learning Lab Posts

Curious about how educators in the Learning Lab VT approach personalized learning? Participants in Learning Lab VT commit to reflecting on how their action research is progressing throughout the year. These reflections can be written or video in form. They often feature collaboration with students. A huge part of the Learning Lab VT commitment is … Continue reading Learning Lab Posts

All about service learning

with Katy Farber From real and relevant to what to do in the event of a mountain bike accident, the last predators in Middlesex, and the all-important question of who is responsible for the pizza at your exhibition of learning. That’s right: librarian Jeanie Phillips talks all about service learning with author and educator Katy … Continue reading All about service learning

What is Learning Lab?

Welcome to Learning Lab VT Vermont’s schools are home to some of the most innovative, passionate and skilled educators in the nation. And they’re opening up their classrooms to the world. Welcome to Learning Lab VT. We’re all in this together. You ever wonder whether you’re really up to the task of meeting your learners’ … Continue reading What is Learning Lab?

Phys ed 2.0: More learning, less suffering

Personalizing PE In this era of personalized learning, it’s not just the jocks that find P.E. enjoyable. At Crossett Brook Middle School and Shelburne Community School, students employ cool technology, develop creative projects, and pursue personal interests and goals while developing autonomy, healthy habits, and deep understandings.

4 ways to use Virtual Reality in project-based learning

VR’s real world impact on students Virtual reality is exciting and many of our students are already using this technology in gaming (as some were quick to tell me). So why aren’t we using it more in education? Why aren’t we using it in project-based learning? Maybe we just need some ideas on how to use VR in … Continue reading 4 ways to use Virtual Reality in project-based learning

3 visualization exercises for proficiency-based learning

Outcomes, process and automaticity I worked with a group of teachers this summer to re-think goal-setting with their students. We know it’s a key component to developing Personalized Learning Plans (PLP), but students reported little engagement in following through on and reflecting about their goals. In our attempts to think differently about goal-setting and reflection, … Continue reading 3 visualization exercises for proficiency-based learning

Negotiated curriculum and project-based learning

Building a democratic classroom at The Edge Part of the power of implementing a negotiated curriculum is that it doesn’t just center student voice, it actually moves the learning space towards a democratic classroom, a place where students can advocate for themselves and their learning interests, goals and styles. It’s an important piece of the … Continue reading Negotiated curriculum and project-based learning

Community Based Learning in Vermont: What’s going on?

4 lessons from a recent gathering On Friday, March 11, more than 50 participants from public and private schools, community education partners, and higher education from Vermont and the surrounding region gathered for a Community Based Learning workday, put on by Big Picture Learning, Eagle Rock School, Big Picture South Burlington, and Partnership for Change. … Continue reading Community Based Learning in Vermont: What’s going on?

Google Tools for personal learning plans (PLPs)

A teacher-authored case study Today we hear from a grade 5-6 team venturing into the world of personal learning plans (PLPs) using Google Tools. Jared Bailey, math teacher, and Joy Peterson, English Language Arts teacher, provide concrete details on how they rolled out PLPs this year, including links to such resources as graphic organizers that they used for … Continue reading Google Tools for personal learning plans (PLPs)

Self-directed learning and playlists

Curating lists of online resources for deep dives into content research We have been spending much of our time here at the Tarrant Institute exploring the idea of what engagement looks like in a learning environment where access to resources is ubiquitous, where learning can and does take place anytime, anywhere.  That is why when Lisa … Continue reading Self-directed learning and playlists

Personalize learning with Open Educational Resources

What they are and how to use them In a recent blog post, I suggested access to technology can empower teachers to be responsive to students’ needs in a blended learning environment.  I want to expand upon that notion and explore further how Open Educational Resources play an important role in how we teachers facilitate more … Continue reading Personalize learning with Open Educational Resources

L is for Learning Management System (LMS)

What can you do with an LMS? LMS stands for Learning Management System. An LMS is an application for planning, delivering, managing, and assessing a learning process. Likely, your school or district will choose which commercial LMS package to deploy (Canvas, Haiku, Schoology and Google Classroom are a few), but how you use it is entirely up to you.

J is for Just-in-time Learning

Just-in-time learning in its best form is “Just for me” learning. When you learn something because you yearn to understand it, precisely when you need to apply it, you will learn it deeply and joyfully. Your brain will soak it up because your heart is in it. Now, how does that translate to providing just-in-time-teaching?

Hack your classroom: flexible physical learning environments

Flexible learning environments have a physical component — and effect Do you recognize the object at left? Does it look like a comfortable learning environment for a student? Does it look like the type of learning environment a student would choose for themselves? OF COURSE NOT, and because you are all such passionate and committed educators, you started … Continue reading Hack your classroom: flexible physical learning environments

Using Schoology for differentiated learning

Addressing student mastery and learning targets in an LMS Kristi McKnight, a 9th grade teacher at Harwood Union High School in Moretown, Vermont, shares how she and her teaching partner, Mike Coyle, use the Schoology learning management system (LMS) for differentiated learning with her students. With Schoology, McKnight is able to describe how she’s giving her … Continue reading Using Schoology for differentiated learning

Innovative learning shared at Nashville conference

Music City learns a thing or two about Vermont ed tech Half of the Tarrant Institute staff and a special guest headed to Nashville last week to present at the Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. We set out to share with middle grades educators from around the world the incredible, tech-rich teaching happening in Vermont schools. As we always … Continue reading Innovative learning shared at Nashville conference

Equity toolkit

The moral imperative behind our work at TIIE has always been equity. It is also the basis of the middle school movement that we hold dear, which originated as a challenge to the status quo of junior high schools. As progressive educators, we promote shifts in education to bring more equitable outcomes, more humane learning … Continue reading Equity toolkit

#vted Reads

#vted Reads is a podcast by, for and with Vermont educators, discussing books for professional development and use in the classroom. Host Jeanie Phillips sits down with an educator, student or author each episode and together, they look at a book they feel is relevant for Vermont learners. Whether it’s YA, popular press or professional … Continue reading #vted Reads