Tag Archives: Peoples Academy High School

4 ways students are tackling the UN’s Global Goals in Vermont

The United Nations has kicked off a movement for the future. They’ve identified 17 goals for sustainability world-wide, and they’ve given those goals to students around the world.

Here in Vermont, a cadre of passionate educators are scaffolding project-based learning around those goals. And #vted students are hard at work, changing the world, one community at a time.

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How to use MoveNote for screencasting

Embed yourself in your video lesson

how to use MovenoteMoveNote lets you create screencasts where you appear alongside the material, making how to screencast a lot more dynamic for students and educators. Flipped classroom? Blended learning? Student presentations? Gallery walks? Support for students with disabilities?

Let’s look at some of the possibilities, features and how to get up and running with Movenote.

Continue reading How to use MoveNote for screencasting