Tag Archives: #VTed

Self-care for educators

4 ways to stay well and focused heading into the holidays

@ThisIsVTEDIt’s that time of the year again: you’re almost to the halfway point, almost to the big holiday break. This time of year can be demanding: everyone’s looking forward to vacation, and it’s hard to stay focused on the classroom.

More than that, you’ve been working incredibly hard for and with your students. You’re so very ready for that break. There’s just one more week to go. So let’s talk a little self-care for educators.

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How proficient are you with proficiency-based learning?

#vted weighs in again on twitter

proficiency-based learningIs your school implementing proficiency-based learning?

It’s an idea that’s taking hold all over, so some folks from Vermont’s education community wrestled with the opportunities and challenges presented by implementing proficiency-based learning.

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